The Kitchen Sink

The sink and clean-up centre involves the beginning and the end of the kitchen activities and consequently should be located where it is most convenient, usually between the other two centres. A minimum of 30 inches (76 cm) of counter surface should be on either side of the sink, and part of that should contain a chopping block or cutting board. The sink itself should be a double or triple-bowl sink with one of the bowls deep enough and wide enough to allow the washing of pots and pans. In addition to the sink, the centre should contain a disposer, a dishwasher usually adjacent to the sink, and a trash compactor (If the dishwasher or trash compactor is not in the budget now, it is wise to prepare ahead by installing proper-sized base cabinets that can later be replaced with an automatic dishwasher or trash compactor.) With today’s increase in recycling the usage of compactors may have slightly declined. The sink and clean-up centre must have good lighting, both natural and artificial. A light fixture should be located directly over the sink, and when possible, the sink should be placed close to a window. This is, however, a matter of personal preference. If there is only one window allotted to the area, some homeowners like it between the kitchen and the eating area. Also, the installation of a sink along an interior plumbing partition usually costs less, if it is permitted by the local plumbing code.

As a general rule, store items in this centre that require the use of water. Sufficient storage should be provided for fruits, vegetables, and other foods do not require refrigeration and must be washed or soaked. In addition, space for small pots, a coffee maker, everyday dishes and glassware, dish towels, brushes, and dishwashing and cleaning supplies should be provided.

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